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January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020

Please Note:  Due to Covid19, all my Open Center Classes have moved online, and since both Omega and Kripalu have closed their doors for 2020, my scheduled programs there will not be happening this year. Please stay safe and take care of yourself and loved ones!

ONGOING: My Weekly Online Classes:

These happen every Monday Night @ 7pm! Go here for more info: https://www.thomasamelio.com/event/meditation-w-thomas-every-monday-online-7pm/

JUNE-JULY: Alchemy of the Chakras: Energy-Based Meditation for Healing and Transformation: JUNE 18-JULY 16. Thursdays 6pm.

Alchemy of the Chakras: Energy-Based Meditation for Healing and Transformation.

At the New York Open Center

Alchemy of the Chakras: Energy-Based Meditation for Healing and Transformation

Thomas Amelio

Note: This free intro & series will now be offered online. Sessions of all our online programs will be recorded and shared with registrants after each is completed for a limited time only.

One of the most powerful and complete avenues for awakening, healing, and transformation is chakra meditation practice. Central to the yoga tradition, chakras are spiritual, psychological, emotional energy centers that exist within the human subtle body.

In this weekly class, we will explore the unique purpose and function of each chakra, identifying any disharmony. Through experiential practices, that will reveal mantras, symbols, and archetypes associated with each energy center, we will purify the chakras into full radiant expression,

We will learn the following powerful yogic practices:

•Vichara (inquiry)
•Pranayama (breath practice)
•Mudra (hand seals)
•Bandha (energy locks)
•Kumbhaka (breath holding)

Join us and bring greater clarity and harmony to your inner and outer lives.

Free Intro Class on Thursday, June 4 at 6:00 pm

This live event requires ZOOM webinar software, which you will be automatically prompted to download upon clicking the access link provided to you in your confirmation and reminder emails. Zoom is an easy to use webinar software available for Mac OS X, Windows, iOS and Android. Installation should only take a moment.

SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: If you have a computer with a broadband connection (320 kbps minimum), web browser, and sound capabilities (microphone and speakers or headset), you will be able to view the webinar and participate in the Q&A period. Recommended System Requirements: Windows 8.1 or Mac OSX 10.5 or higher, and browsers version Internet Explorer 6, Firefox 3, Safari 4, and Chrome 11 or higher.

A Weekly Class
(4 Sessions) Thursdays, June 18 – July 16, 2020, 6:00 – 7:30 pm
No class on July 2.
Members $115/ Nonmembers $140




Via Phone, Videoconference, or In-Person (NYC area)
Coaching and Spiritual Direction.  I’ve taught meditation for decades, and am also a CPC-Certified Professional Coach. My clients are focusing on fulfilling personal and professional goals in light of spiritual practice & some are just wanting spiritual direction and private training. I usually work in 3-month increments. Inquire about complementary session.


January 2020: 

Sound, Mantra, and Yogic Meditation Training:
A One-Day Workshop: Sunday, January 19, 2020: NY Open Center

For centuries, music and mantra therapy have proven to be a powerful means to overcome physical and emotional imbalances, and elevate consciousness. This workshop seeks to give you understanding and skills to help others and for your personal life. With the combination of breath and sound, mantra chanting activates healing and has the alchemical capacity to clear energetic channels to transform emotions and consciousness.
Note: This class is suited to wellness practitioners, healthcare professionals, therapists, and teachers wanting to bring sound and sacred melody to their clients and students, and anyone seeking to deepen their personal practice. No previous experience is required.

Sunday, January 19, 2020, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm
$190 (Members & Nonmembers) Early Bird rate of $165 expires on 12/2019 FCMH22A4




FEBRUARY 15, SATURDAY The Transforming Power of Meditation and Mantra
Afternoon Workshop
Saint Petersburg, Florida
February 15, 2020
Time: 1pm-4pm EDT.

Even the simplest meditation practice has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, and bring greater calmness and centeredness in our lives. In the ancient eightfold yoga tradition, of which yoga asanas (postures) are only a part—Dhyana, or meditation, is the central practice. Meditation is not practiced merely to bring some improvement to our lives, but to make a lasting evolutionary shift into a new consciousness altogether. Mantras are powerful and ancient sound-vibration formulas that de-clutter the mind and transform the physical and subtle layers of self in profound ways. They work on several levels at once: fulfilling our deepest longings; purifying and calming the mind; and freeing us from fear.

In this class we will learn and experience some of the meditation and mantra practices of the esoteric yoga tradition:

  • Brief Overview of 8 Limbs of Yoga and how their practice engender evolution and greater freedom
  • Basic awareness, concentration and breath meditation
  • Breath techniques both to energize, and calm the mind
  • Mantra Japa meditation (Japa is repeating a mantra, both out loud and mentally, of a chosen mantra)
  • Beej (Seed) one-syllable mantras for producing specific psycho-emotional effect
  • Self Inquiry (Atma Vichara) to uncover false ideas of who we are.

Meditation and mantra aim to purify our mind, body and soul of “kleshas” or obstacles. As this purification progresses our true nature as Satchidananda (Truth-Consciousness-Joy) shines ever brighter.
All levels welcome!

Fee: $30.00
Space is limited: to guarantee seats: please pay in advance by Paypal, or Venmo (info below)

PAY IN ADVANCE: Paypal in advance: https://www.paypal.me/thomasamelio.
For Venmo https://venmo.com/THOMAS-AMELIO-1. (if you have the venmo app the  ID is THOMAS-AMELIO-1. You will then get a confirmation of registration.

PAY AT DOOR: If you plan to pay at the door please send note to aggieh1@yahoo.com.
7200 Sunshine Skyway Lane South
Community Room
St. Petersburg, FL                (Exit #16 off I-275 South. Enter main door, take stairs down to the right)
Space is limited: to guarantee seats please pay or register in advance


Thomas-Amelio-flyer-unity st pete

“Speaking” to the Causal Body for Profound Transformation and Creation:
460 46th Avenue North
St. Petersburg, FL33703

In Yoga philosophy we have three bodies: the Causal is the deep consciousness where the essences of our ideas form, and where the seeds of “karmic software” are stored; in the Subtle these become clothed in image, concept, and language, and from these inner patterns much of our Physical Body and world is formed.
Visualization or affirmation can be effective, but will affect mainly the Subtle Body and not necessarily touch the Causal—where deep creation begins. We cannot easily affect the Causal through the thinking mind, but only by directing consciousness and prana (life-force) through practices like deep meditation, contemplation, breath, and mantra or sound.

  • Learn simple but profound meditation and breath practice to take us to the Causal level.
  • Understand that karmic conditioning on the Causal level may conflict with our more conscious intentions in the Subtle and mental level.
  • Understand how each of our chakras (energy centers) are both broadcasting and receiving centers, and are conditioned by our samskaras (stored karmic impressions) which can prevent their working together as a “team” to most optimally fulfill our lives.
  • Learn practices that enable us to “speak” to our causal for deep transformation and value fulfillment.
  • Learn to speak to the causal body of others. A powerful way for us to not only change ourselves—but also to fulfill our deepest longings—is by speaking, in meditation, to others on their causal level–even (and especially!) those for whom we have mixed feelings.

Childcare is available and furnished by our Red Cross Certified Care Specialists in the same building as the event. $10 per child, $5 each additional child from the same family. Pre-Registration is required for child care, no ‘walk in’ child care.


MARCH 2020 

Sound Meditation:

Sunday, March 15, 2020, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm: A One-Day Workshop: NY Open Center. Learn about Sound Meditation for both healing and inspiration. Sound Meditation incorporates sounds from many traditions and languages as well as from your own revelation. This workshop will place special emphasis on using powerful one-syllable Beej (seed) mantras of the Yoga tradition.
Sunday, January 26, 2020, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm: a One-Day Workshop
$180 (Members & Nonmembers) Early Bird $155 by December 6
This program can be taken individually or as part of the Integrative Sound & Music Training program.

FB Public Page: Thomas Shivanand Amelio
Twitter: @thomasamelio
Instagram: @thomasamelio
YouTube Mantra Channel: SoulDharma
LinkedIn: Thomas Amelio

Meditation and Contemplative Studies Program: FALL 2019-SPRING 2020.
As I’ve mentioned I’m honored to be the facilitator throughout, and one of the teachers for, the Meditation and Contemplative Studies Program at the NY Open Center.
So please do take advantage of this amazing opportunity to be part of this learning community of 9 master teachers of the world’s major spiritual traditions! As the facilitator, I’ll be there every weekend and will be also supporting our ongoing community online in-between. We already began with the amazing Rabbi Shapiro, who has been recorded. If still interested in joining this program-community—let me know.

Faculty: Swami Asokananda, Rev. Cynthia Bourgeault, Kabir Helminski, Khenpo Pema Wangdak, Shaykha Fariha Fatima al-Jerrahi, Thomas Amelio, Rabbi Rami Shapiro, PH.D, Itzhak Beery & Robert Peng
A 7-month Multi-Cultural and Multi-Religious Exploration of Meditation and Contemplative Practices program, commencing in October of 2019. The program offers a unique and expansive exploration of a variety of mystical and contemplative disciplines and forms of meditation from eight major religious and spiritual traditions.
Read my personal blog on this program! And if you want to come remember the $2000 price expires on Monday Sept 30th!

JUNE 2020



A Yogic Approach to the Chakras: Immersion Retreat: At Omega Institute: Rhinebeck, NY

Shivanand Thomas Amelio

June 7 – 12, 2020

Central to the tantric/yogic tradition, chakras—are spiritual, psychological and emotional energy centers that exist within our “subtle” body, and can be a powerful means for healing and evolution. In this retreat we will explore the unique purpose and function of each chakra and leave with a profound chakra sadhana-spiritual practice.

Ideally, each center works in harmony with the rest; however, for most, their full expression is hampered by long-held negative conditionings and suppressions (samskaras/karmas)—resulting in conflict of function—e.g, a fifth chakra calling to expressively create can be constrained by a first chakra fear of losing security. The yogic approach to these disharmonies offers time-tested, experiential, vibrational and energetic practices to purify samskaras associated with each, to full radiance without inhibition.

We will explore mantras, deities, and archetypes associated with the chakras—including the five elements (mahabutas) —and the yogic practices of vichara (inquiry), pranayama (breath practice), mudra (hand seals), bandha (energy locks), kumbhak (breath holding), and simple postures to bring greater clarity and harmony to our inner and outer lives.


Alchemy of the Chakras: Energy-Based Meditation for

Transformation and Healing

Alchemy of the Chakras: Energy-Based Meditation for Healing and Transformation

Free Intro Class on Thursday, June 4 at 6:00 pm – Series starts on June 18

Thomas Amelio

One of the most powerful and complete avenues for awakening, healing, and transformation is chakra meditation practice. Central to the yoga tradition, chakras are spiritual, psychological, emotional energy centers that exist within the human subtle body.

In this weekly class, we will explore the unique purpose and function of each chakra, identifying any disharmony. Through experiential practices, that will reveal mantras, symbols, and archetypes associated with each energy center, we will purify the chakras into full radiant expression,

We will learn the following powerful yogic practices:

•Vichara (inquiry)
•Pranayama (breath practice)
•Mudra (hand seals)
•Bandha (energy locks)
•Kumbhak (breath holding)

Join us and bring greater clarity and harmony to your inner and outer lives.

A Weekly Class
(4 Sessions) Thursdays, June 18 – July 16, 2020, 6:00 – 7:30 pm
No class on July 2.
Members $115/ Nonmembers $140



 Hear, Listen and Heal!

A Journey through Sacred Sound & the Cosmos

August 14-16 Friday-Sunday

For: Everyone

From time immemorial, yogis and shamans have heard the hidden music of the universe and sung it back through “medicine melodies,” that reflect a sacred unity with nature and can heal body, mind, and spirit. Today, many are visited by such melodies—as if by spontaneous transmission from the spirit of nature that “sings into” the person. By means of deep chant, we not only receive spiritual information from the great cosmic realms that use our voice as a healing vehicle—but experience states of transformational bliss.

In this workshop you will:

  • Gather a repertoire of shamanic and cross-cultural chants and mantras and embody the emotional magic of the Peruvian “Icaros” and the ragas of India.
  • Learn how to create a healing environment and generate sympathetic resonance using the power of vocal sound, mindful breathing, and silence
  • Learning methods of deep listening and mantra-healing to expand consciousness.
  • Realize the subtle connections between sound and the chakra body through ancient syllables
  • Take home a joyful and transformative sound practice to inspire any path of inquiry


Recommended Reading: Free Your Voice: Awaken to Life Through Singing by Silvia Nakkach.

Silvia Nakkach, MA, MMT is a Grammy® nominated composer, vocal artist, author, and a pioneer in the field of sound and consciousness transformation. Silvia has served on the faculty of the California Institute of Integral Studies where she created the premier certificate program on Sound, Voice, and Music in the Healing Arts offered by a major academic institution. She is the founding director of the international Vox Mundi School of the Voice with centers across the world.  voxmundiproject.com


Shivananda Thomas Amelio deeply practiced and studied yogic disciplines, mantra, and philosophy living in India, under Swami Rajarshi Muni, where he edited Swami’s book: Yoga: The Ultimate Spiritual Path. A founding member of Kripalu, president emeritus of the NY Open Center, and founder of Contemplative Solutions, LLC, he teaches classes in New York City, and internationally. www.thomasamelio.com


Deep Chant, Trance & Transformation

A 5-Day Immersive Voice, Sound & Music Certificate Training


Sunday-Friday August 16-21

FOR: ALL LEVELS.               CE credits                  Vox Mundi Yoga of the Voice Certificate = 30 hours


Experience the precious opportunity to be guided by two renowned scholars and clinicians in the field of transformative sound and devotional voice. Embracing the scientific, the yogic, the creative, and the shamanic dimensions of sound. This experiential and skill-building immersion will deliver knowledge and practice, awakening confidence and joy!

  • Learn cross-cultural chants to implement in clinical, classroom, yoga, and performance settings.
  • Devotion through Sound: Shabda, Mantra, Nada, and Svara Yogas, Kirtan, and Medicine Melodies.


  • Sound and Light Morning Practice (Karaj) humming, seed-syllables, and toning with vibrational healing formulas.


  • Introduction to the 108 Vocal-Art Strategies of the Yoga of the Voicetraining.


  • Vocal Metabolism: brain stimulation/memory enhancement through Call/Response chanting.


  • The Singing Spine: awaken the chakra and Kundalini-Shakti system through tantric energy mantras.


  • Art of Mystic Melody: Raga singing, Modes and Moods


  • Music Shamanism:  cosmic sound and indigenous chant.


Being a musician is not required! This is a dynamic training for all healing professionals, and anyone seeking personal enrichment in this field.


Recommended Reading: Free Your Voice: Awaken to Life Through Singing by Silvia Nakkach.

  • Note: This training accrues 30 hours towards the International Vox Mundi School Yoga of the Voice For more information: voxmundi@yahoo.com


Silvia Nakkach, MA, MMT is a Grammy® nominated composer, vocal artists, author, and a pioneer in the field of sound and consciousness transformation. Silvia has served on the faculty of the California Institute of Integral Studies where she created the premier certificate program on Sound, Voice, and Music in the Healing Arts offered by a major academic institution. She is the founding director of the international Vox Mundi School of the Voice with centers across the world.  voxmundiproject.com


Shivananda Thomas Amelio deeply practiced and studied yogic disciplines, mantra, and philosophy living in India, under Swami Rajarshi Muni, where he edited Swami’s book: Yoga: The Ultimate Spiritual Path. A founding member of Kripalu, president emeritus of the NY Open Center, and founder of Contemplative Solutions, LLC, he teaches classes in New York City, and internationally. www.thomasamelio.com



New Year’s Spiritual Renewal Retreat: December 29, 2020–January 1, 2020
At Kripalu Center: Stockbridge, MA.

End the old year and enter the new with reflection and spiritual nourishment. Whether you’re new to spiritual practice or a seasoned practitioner, this retreat supports you in sinking deeply into your heart’s knowing, fine-tuning your life’s purpose and calling, and renewing your connection to the ever-present source of divinity. Explore deep reflection, meditation, Sanskrit mantra practice, yogic breathing, self-inquiry, contemplation of scripture and inspired writings, ritual, and group discussion. Return home with the inspiration and guidance you need to deepen your practice. Tues-Friday: 3 nights. 2020.



January 1, 2020
December 31, 2020
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Thomas Amelio

Thomas Amelio intensely studied & practiced yogic disciplines in India, where he edited Rajarshi Muni’s classic, "Yoga–The Ultimate Spiritual Path." He is a founding member of, and has been a senior teacher at, Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health for over 35 years, and is President Emeritus of the NY Open Center in New York City.
