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New Year’s Spiritual Renewal Retreat ONLINE! 12/31/20

December 29, 2020 -8:00 am - 5:00 pm

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New Year’s Spiritual Renewal Retreat ONLINE!
(Early Bird Price Ends Tues 12/29) 


End the old year and give birth to the new in a spiritually nourishing way.  This retreat allows you to sink deeply into your heart’s knowing and fine-tune your life purpose and calling. Enjoy the time, space, and loving support needed to renew your connection to the ever-fresh source of divinity that is your birthright.

My annual  New Year’s Spiritual Renewal Retreat will not happen at Kripalu since their building is closed this season, but I decided to go with a smaller version of the retreat online! 

DATE:  12/31/20, Thursday. EARLY BIRD PRICES ENDS TUES 12/29/20
Day Schedule: 

11am-2pm EST: 1st Session:

2pm-2:30 EST: Short break:

2:30-5:30. EST: Afternoon Session;


This day will include: 

  • Deep meditation
  • breath practice
  • mantra and song
  • Causal Work: deep work of creating in meditation, work from essence to form, from Causal Body to Subtle, to allow it the very best to become reality. 
  • Focused small group inquiry (with option for solitary writing inquiry, instead)
  • Vision Journeying–working with your inner archetypes. 
  • Fine tuning and visioning for 2021
  • Q & A

Fee: I’m keeping it lower due to these challenging times: sliding $165–$135. 

EARLY BIRD: If you pay by Dec 29th  the early bird will be sliding scale $150-120. 

For now I’m keeping registration simple. Once I receive your payment I’ll send you the retreat Zoom link and password. 


You can send via Paypal,Venmo, Zelle, or “snail mail.”  

Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/thomasamelio). 

Venmo https://venmo.com/THOMAS-AMELIO-1 (with Venmo app my id is THOMAS-AMELIO-1 )

Zelle:  use my email: thomasamelio@gmail.com



NOTE: If some of you can pay more I’ll make a scholarship fund. (And if you need a partial scholarship let me know and I’ll put you on the list, first come first serve.) 

I hope you can make it! If you cannot I have more things coming up in January and February, plus weekly meditation Monday and Thursdays nights. (SEE BELOW). 

much love, 



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December 29, 2020
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Thomas Amelio

Thomas Amelio intensely studied & practiced yogic disciplines in India, where he edited Rajarshi Muni’s classic, "Yoga–The Ultimate Spiritual Path." He is a founding member of, and has been a senior teacher at, Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health for over 35 years, and is President Emeritus of the NY Open Center in New York City.
